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my room
my room
from the other corner
from the other corner
the view from my window: a restaurant courtyard
the view from my window: a restaurant courtyard
C/ Boqueria: the street the hostel is on
C/ Boqueria: the street the hostel is on
an adjacent street
an adjacent street
can't get enough of these six-foot-wide streets
can't get enough of these six-foot-wide streets
Església de Santa Maria del Pi
Església de Santa Maria del Pi
classical string quartet, busking
classical string quartet, busking
same group; the enclosure they're in front of holds a remnant of the IVth century Roman wall
same group; the enclosure they're in front of holds a remnant of the IVth century Roman wall
more wall remnants
more wall remnants
a surviving tower, with building extending into it
a surviving tower, with building extending into it
reconstructed piece of the aqueduct
reconstructed piece of the aqueduct
random little plaça
random little plaça
a pedway before its time
a pedway before its time
more buskers
more buskers
random little residential street
random little residential street
the diocesan museum
the diocesan museum
side of the cathedral
side of the cathedral
Església Parroquial Verge de Grácia i Sant Josep
Església Parroquial Verge de Grácia i Sant Josep
Ronda del Guinardo
Ronda del Guinardo
a few hundred yards into my uphill trek
a few hundred yards into my uphill trek
looking down a cross street...
looking down a cross street...
...and looking down on that point again
...and looking down on that point again
thought this was a good view
thought this was a good view
"occupy and resist"
"occupy and resist"
La Sagrada Família
La Sagrada Família
the views keep getting better
the views keep getting better
Les tres creus
Les tres creus
panorama #1
panorama #1