Votes which upheld the status quo

  1. The question on whether to use C instead of or in addition to K to represent the sound [k] was put to a vote, and the decision was to continue using K exclusively, as in 1928/30. [01.05.1997]

  2. The proposal to have an "inclusive" versus "exclusive" distinction in the first person plural, represented by two different pronouns nus and mes was rejected in the vote. Novial '98 uses only nus as the first person plural pronoun in all instances, like 1928/30 Novial. [12.05.1997]

  3. The proposal to allow long forms of the correlative adverbs, thus quirezon in addition to quirez, was defeated. When you use such an adverb, you can only use the short-form endings -rez, -man, etc. (You can, of course, use adverbial phrases like "pro qui rezone".) [01.10.1997]

  4. The inchoative ending -esk was objected to on the grounds of its similarity to EF "-esque". However, there really isn't any better form; as a result, its use is retained (by acclamation) in N98. [12.12.1997]

Don Blaheta /

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