\version "2.5.0" \include "english.ly" \header { title = "Mealtime grace and thanksgiving" } melody = \relative { \time 3/4 \key bf \major d2 f4 c'2. bf2 f4 ef2. | d2 d4 d ef f8 ~ f g2. f | d2 f4 c'2. bf2 f4 ef2. | d4.( f8) f4 f g a bf2. bf | c4. f,8 f4 a g f d2 f4 bf2. | g2 bf4 c2 bf4 a2. f | d2 f4 c'2. bf2 f4 ef2. | d2 f4 f g a bf2. bf } \score { \new Staff { << \context Voice = "mainmelody" { \melody } \lyricsto "mainmelody" \new Lyrics { \set stanza = "Before meals: " Bless our friends, bless our food. Come, O Lord, and sit with us. May our talk glow with peace; bring Your love to sur -- round us. Friend -- ship and peace, may they bloom and grow, bloom and grow for -- ev -- er. Bless our friends, bless our food. Bless our dear land for -- ev -- er. } \lyricsto "mainmelody" \new Lyrics { \set stanza = "After meals: " \set ignoreMelismata = ##t % be-ing, urg-ing Hear our thanks, Fa -- ther God. Thanks, O Son for be -- ing with us. Thanks for words mint -- ing peace, ur -- ging our love strong sin -- cere -- ly. Friend -- ship and peace, may they bloom and grow, bloom and grow for -- ev -- er. Thanks for friends, thanks for food. Thanks for free -- dom, dear Fa -- ther. \unset ignoreMelismata } >> } }